Week of Sloth: Apres Nationals

A and I arrived home at an ungodly hour after a terrifying cab ride with the sleepiest and most snow-averse driver in all of Calgary. After a day of sprinting through airports, the adrenaline rush of thinking about our impending doom for an hour, and a couple months of traveling and racing, I was pretty pooped. The out-like-a-light sleep that I had that night kind of set the tone for the week. I ate several boxes of kd and many grilled cheese sandwiches. I didn’t train for 4 days in a row, which hasn’t happened since I was sick in the summer. It was a definite break, and very appreciated.

"Wanna see how many pullups you can do?"

“Wanna see how many pullups you can do?”

These two.

These two.



RMR spent the week prepping for Sharkfest, the club’s awesomely named local race. Hosting a race takes an incredible amount of work, which I will detail in an upcoming post. Here’s a picture from the volunteer party.

The dream team.

The dream team.

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